Sunday, February 06, 2011

dari TUMBLR :)

Sorry, for those times that I hurt you because I always get paranoid, I just want you mine, I never wanna lose you. For the times that I’m lacking attention and time to you, sorry, just remember that you never left my heart and mind even for just a single millisecond. I know, sorry is just a simple word but I mean everything I say. Whenever I hurt and disappoint you, I wanna burst out and scream. It’s hard on my part to see you breaking down because of me. I never ever wanted to hurt you, but I’m not a perfect man, I commit mistakes, I mess up. I know I’m not enough, but I’m always trying to do everything to be the best for you, to make you feel happy, to make you feel that you deserve to be loved because for me, you changed everything, everything in me. Thank you for everything, for making me feel that I am loved, for undestanding me, for making me feel that I am the happiest man alive because I have you. I can’t take it if I’ll lose you. I love you so much, that I’ll die first before I’ll give you up. I love you so much baby and I promise, when the right time comes, I’ll marry you, I’ll be the best husband to you and the most responsible father to a dozen kids. :))