I love the way he smiles. I love the way he sings along with my favorite song. I love how much he cares about me, and the stories he tells about me. I love that he loves to eat so much. I love that he thinks the dancing is cute, and that her eyesight is less than perfect. I love that every once in a while he seems taller than me, until we measure. I love the noises he makes with his stomach, and the way he gets along with his brothers, and how alike they all are. I love that he’s in love with me. I love his laugh. I love that he thinks I’m a stupid, and the way he rubs my hair and giggles at its fuzziness. I love it when his eyes get huge, or when he raises his eyebrows and looks off to the side. I love it when his voice is soft. I love the way he cuddles me. I love the way he is. And I love him with all my heart. ♥